Friday, April 22, 2011

Due Wrong Blood Transfusion, Blood Wash Each Week Rizky

Palembang a result that transfused the wrong blood type during nearly 10 months a teenager in Lahat Muhammad Rizki (16) dialysis two times each week. Party Regional Umumum Hospital (Hospital) Lahat, South Sumatra, where Rizky wrong blood transfused, despite being reported to the police has not given responsibilities. 

As stated by Muhammad Fadl from the Office of Legal Aid of Sumatra, in Captain A Riva Road, Kilkenny, as the legal counsel Rizki and his parents, told AFP on Tuesday (189/04/2011).
Narrated Fadl, on May 26, 2010, Rizky escorted his parents to work at Lahat. Based on laboratory examination Lahat Hospital, HB belong to the victim only 5.9 g / dl. Laboratory results were then followed up Dr Rahadian to transfused blood for anemia diagnosed Rizki.
Then the parents came to PMI Branch Rizky Lahat. Clearly mentioned that the blood needed by the victim is AB blood. They get two bags of blood type AB.
We then performed a blood transfusion to Rizki, but only half the bags of blood transfused Rizky chills and difficulty breathing. Parents are asked to stop the transfusion victim who was walking to the medical personnel who are conducting these transfusions.
On May 27, 2010 the Hospital will perform a blood transfusion Lahat back, but parents Rizky refused because the victim in his condition in a weak condition and is still hard to breathe.
On June 3, 2010 the victim again transfused blood, but only a quarter of units of blood transfused back Rizky chills and difficulty breathing, then parents Rizky ask the medical team to stop him.
That because the condition of the victims are weak and sometimes difficult to breathe, the victim was treated in hospitals Lahat until June 6, 2010. After leaving the hospital Lahat, twice Rizky experience fainting.
Rizki then taken medication at Dr. Muhammad Hoesin Kilkenny in July 2010. After the examination of blood groups in the Blood Transfusion Unit PMI Branch Palembang victims blood type is B +, not AB as the result of laboratory examination in hospitals Lahat.
"Well, the results of examination at the hospital doctor Muhammad Hoesin, Rizky required dialysis. Initially three times a week, after that 2 times a week until today, "said Fadl.
Parents of victims tried to get accountability from the hospitals Lahat.Based on several meetings, is not an acceptable solution. Even one of the doctor who explained to the parents Rizky events will not affect anything to the victim.
"Our client then reports the matter Lahat district police. But until recently the process was not running. According to police, his lack of witnesses, "said Fadl.
Under these conditions, Fadl expect the police immediately to process these cases quickly, "And we also hope the relevant authorities for participating in responding to this incident, especially for local governments and parliaments Lahat Lahat," he said.
"Now Rizky were no longer students," said Fadl, accompanied by his companion Agus Mirantawan.

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