Friday, April 22, 2011

Existing types of caterpillar hair in Jakarta

Jakarta Department of Marine and Agriculture DKI Jakarta has been investigating the kinds of caterpillars are emerging in Jakarta. Of the 4 types of caterpillar it certainly is not the plague that is harmful to public health. 

"So we have investigated the caterpillars hairs that we take away from some of the detected area is pest caterpillars," said the head of Marine and Agricultural Establishments, Ipih Ruyani, in a press conference at City Hall Building, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (19/04/2011).Ipih said that, until now there are 4 regions dispersed caterpillars Jakarta, with the highest point is found in West Jakarta. Strangely, caterpillars in each region were also different."So far still contracted in West Jakarta include Tanjung Duren, Puri Kembangan, Cengkareng, Pasar Rebo East Jakarta covers, North Jakarta TPU Plumpang, and the last new entry in Central Jakarta on Cideng precisely," he explained.Based on the results of the study, 4 types of caterpillars which are:Tanjung Duren-Regions and KembanganFamily: LymantridaeSpecies: Euproctis sp-Pekayon (Rabo Market)Family: LimacodidaeSpecies: Ploneta Diducta-Pekayon (Pasar Rebo)Family: LasiocampidaeSpecies: spp Trabala-CidengFamily: NoctuidaeSpecies: unknownOf the four types of it, certainly different from those in Probolinggo district, East Java.In order not to continue to spread to other areas, there is cooperation Ipih asking residents to keep the environment cleaner. He also asked the public to remain calm, because this pest is not harmful."So we harapa society also maintain a healthy environment. And I also asked not to panic, because this is not dangerous, but if in contact with the skin most just itching for a while," said Ipih.When will this pest will actually stop, Ipih can not ensure. What is clear weather factors and the number of predators could slow the cycle of caterpillars."The types of caterpillars in Jakarta only result in mild itching and burning sensation when attached to the skin. But do not let anyone interfere with health," said the veiled woman is.

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