Friday, April 22, 2011

Fuel and Electricity Subsidies Can Swelling of Rp 50 trillion in 2012

Jakarta The government estimates the oil and electricity subsidy budget wouldswell to Rp 50 trillion in 2012 along with the increasing power and fuelconsumption in the country.

This was stated by Deputy Minister for National DevelopmentPlanning (VAT) / Bappenas Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo as quoted fromthe Ministry of Finance website, Tuesday (19/04/2011).

"The electricity subsidy and fuel for next year will rise from the previousyear. An estimated increase of about Rp 50 trillion," said Lukita.

Due to this increase, Lukita said rising electricity and fuel oil subsidywould reach Rp 187 trillion in 2012. This increase compared tosubsidies in 2011 which reached Rp 136.6 trillion.

In 2011, fuel subsidy at Rp 95.9 trillion, while the electricity subsidy to Rp 40.7 trillion.
Previously, Lukita assess Indonesia's economic condition will improvein 2012, amid a global economic conditions that have not beenstabilized. "Among others, the situation rising commodity prices the same as in 2008, such as oil," he said.

"This is our target in 2012. The growth conservatively estimated ataround 6.6 to 6.8%. Pressing the unemployment rate to 6.4%, andreduce the poverty rate to be 11.5%. For the GDP per capita isexpected to be U.S. $ 3,005," he said.

Previously the government has prepared four options subsidized fuelcontrol, ranging from premium prices to reach USD 6.500/liter to keepprices pertamax at Rp 7,500 per liter

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