Friday, April 22, 2011

KPK Still searching Alleged Irregularities the New Parliament Building Project

Jakarta -Some elements of society have complained of alleged irregularities in the process of planning new building projects the House to the KPK.However, until now there has been no significant results, because the research is still being conducted.
"There is already a (complaint), while we examine. we can not tell whatthe results of analysis of the KPK," said Vice Chairman of the KPK MJasin.

This was after the ceremony he had his discussion titled 'PreventingCorruption in the Trias Politica' that was held by the NGO PartnershipEvents Calendar office, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/04/2011).

According to Jasin, who entered the KPK complaints related goodsand services procurement process at the beginning of the project.Alleged to have occurred direct appointment of potentially violatingPresidential Decree No. 80 of 2003 on the procurement of goods andservices.

"His report was so (allegedly direct appointment), has entered and we are studied, " he said.

Jasin can not reveal who the party responsible for the procurementproject. Clearly, there is a Power of Attorney Holder Budget (KPA),which has authority over the project.

"Secretary General of automatic, but there are other NAC such as DGcould be," he added.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is one element of society whocomplain of alleged irregularities to the Commission the constructionof new buildings. There are two ditengari alleged irregularities occur,namely violations of procedure and the process of countingirregularities new building construction.

Complaints filed with the Commission since 13 April 2011.


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