Friday, April 22, 2011

Tips for Overcoming Child bedwetting

Bedwetting is not uncommon in young childrenBut if this is sustainable, the future will be very inconvenient because it is most closely associated with cleanliness. As a human baby to pee more than 20 times a day because not able to control the bladder bag .. But if it is the age of school, of course, the ability to control bladder was already there and growing well.Many factors could cause why the child bedwetting. If this happens at birth, the possibility of infection in the urethra caused by damage to the bladder wall so that the drugs do not work properly. Other causes are genetic or heredity factors. If parents have a urinary tract infection, could be his son will too. In addition to these two factors, there are several reasons why children often wet.Among other things, social or psychological barriers during the development period of between 2-4 years of age, and also lack of parental supervision would be how to educate children and teach children how to use a small toiletsejak.So how to overcome bedwetting in children? In this case you'd better teach children good habits early. At age 5 months, accustom your child to pee in the shower and make him communicate during pee. Do not be too dependent on the use of diapers, because it can make kids lazy and do not control the bladder sac. Pampers is practical, but only at the time of the trip so as not to bother. If it could speak, teach and remind the kids to pee before bed.Sometimes though it was pee before bed can also bedwetting child.To overcome the 2-3 hours after the child's sleep, try woken up to pee again. Usually the kids are lazy to get up and if so the parent who must be patient to pick it up and reminded to pee.However, if the child is still wetting the bed, give praise for his efforts if successful is not wet. Reduce the drinking water at night, and if necessary provide a potty near the bed. Do these things and get used above, because it will educate children to develop good habits and discipline.

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