Friday, April 22, 2011

Salaries Officer the Extraordinary size SOEs

Jakarta -Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is being reviewed by rearranging the salaries of officials of State-Owned Enterprises(SOEs). This is done because there are potential conflicts of interestin the company so that they appear reception an enormous salary.
"Yes, we also reviewed the conflict of interestnya. For example, there are certain state officials where he may be a commissioner, so hertake home pay is enormous," said Vice Chairman of the KPK MJasin.

This was after the ceremony he had his discussion titled 'PreventingCorruption in the Trias Politica' that was held by the NGO PartnershipEvents Calendar office, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/04/2011).

Jasin reluctant to disclose the results of the study temporarily.According to him, the process is still ongoing and results will later be used as an input to the government.

"The issue of remuneration that was integrated system. For example,SOEs also still exist where the state finances," he continued.

"Later, how the arrangements were reviewed in an integrated andunified," he said.

Later the salaries of state officials, especially the bankers to the attention of the Bank Indonesia (BI) appealed to the banking industryfor not jor-rod giving a huge salary and bonuses. The central bankasked banks to think about matters of capital than a big salary.

Based on data in Commission XI, salaries Director of Bank BRIreached USD 167 million. Then to the President Director of PT BankMandiri (Persero) Tbk their salary scale reached USD 166 million.The amount of the salaries of bankers that it is far above the Presidentas Head of State in which the wage of Rp 62.74 million.

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