Friday, April 22, 2011

Kemenkeu Denies There are 46 employees Suspicious Transaction Tax

Jakarta Ministry of Finance denied still there are 46 cases of suspicious transactions after the disclosure of employee tax DG GaiusTambunan, 
as expressed Center Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC).Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance Sonny Loho statedfindings related INTRAC 46 employees.
Kemenkeu suspicioustransactions
 is not something new,
because it has entered into 62INTRAC report to Kemenkeu throughout 2007 to March 2010.

"The 46 were combined to March there are 62 reports," he said whenmet at Gedung Dhanapala Ministry of Finance, Wahidin Jalan Raya,Jakarta, Wednesday (20/04/2011).

However, Sonny said it will continue to coordinate with relatedINTRAC INTRAC's findings concerning the employees Kemenkeu.

"I've met Mr. Yunus (Head INTRAC), if there is hope that the findingsreported and every day there are only 1-2 direct reports and our entry(IG) study," he said.

Previously, INTRAC menemukantransaksi reveal still suspicious(suspicios transaction) 

by the employee after-tax Gaius caseTambunan. INTRAC has reported these findings to the lawenforcement officers.

"If you asked if there were any findings of suspicious transactions byemployees and tax authorities. Yes still there," said Yunus.

It said Yunus, the report has been submitted to law enforcement officers from the Police, the Inspectorate General of Ministry of Finance to other authorized officials.

According to Jonah, after the case of suspicious transactions GaiusTambunan fact that even increases.

"The last that there are 46 suspicious transactions. We have let timeWork Meeting (Meeting) by the House as well, even now manyenhancements,"said Yunus.

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